Hold, hold on to, hold on to me. Cause I'm little unsteady. A little unsteady.
Hold, hold on to, hold on to me, cause I'm little unsteady. A little unsteady.
Mother, come here approach, appear.
Daddy I'm alone, this house don't feel like home.
If you love me don't let go
If you love me don't let go
Note: This is not exactly a movie review, but my opinion, thoughts and feelings regarding the movie. I won't, by any means, label the characters or give them a rating.
The feeling of failure is something upsetting, of course, the feeling that you gave your best into something yet the result was not as you wished is heart breaking.
Sometimes you have to accept it. Sometimes you don't have to keep fighting the world and defeat every single obstacle in your life, sometimes you don't have to be this gravity defying machine expecting people and things go your way.
It won't be success if others behave the way you wanted them to. If you broke them and made them the way you wanted.
I guess that is what Louisa learned, other than learning to love and appreciate her family and others, she learned to accept and to let people do what they wanted and what they needed. To let them do what would relieve them of the pain and suffering. To not be selfish, judgmental and resentful of their choices. To stand by their side in thick and thin. Just as she had stood by their side in their good days and bad days.
She had stood with her parents from the start, worked hard and gave her money to support her parents, supported her sister and illegitimate child so she could go to collage. She endured a job she hated at first for them. Because her loved ones needed her.
Because she loved them, she did not let go.
That was something the movie brought to my mind. You had to stand with those you loved through thick and thin- not just love them. But to actually help them.
Another thing the movie brought to my mind, is how repetitive and predictable our lives are. The ones who are living their life in a blur of activity, energy and truly living it to the fullest are very few and labeled as 'extraordinary' or 'queer'.
It brought that to my mind, that we -on a smaller scale- worry so much about things that shouldn't be worried about. About what to cook, what this person said, how many calories we absorbed today, did I mark the children's papers? What did the neighbor do when her divorced husband married again? What did young Jimmy get in school today? I have to much homework and tests. This woman is such a drama and attention seeking person. Is the house dusted properly?
Thinking about it, it really is something unnecessary and something just pointless. When we could be worrying over other, more demanding of attention, topics we here are just worrying over the neighbor's talk and the newest trend on social media.
If I were to list the number of topics really demanding of attention, I'd never finish. Global warming, civil wars, social crimes that cannot possibly let slide, underfed children, abused women, humans with absolute no rights to their name, men slaughtered over the world over the crumb of a bread and the difference of religions, gender equality, the importance of education, the importance of country independence.
What amount of attention are these getting? What amount of attention are we giving to the world itself?
Those who have the will, potential and desire to rise. Why not? Why drown in the folds and waves of small unnecessary traditions, problems and ignorance? Why killing yourself and wasting your life.
"You only get one life. It is actually your duty to live it as fully as possible" -Will Traynor.
"Push yourself. Don't settle, just live" - Will Traynor.
Something that is always said to me directly to my face. Why cry over a book? Why cry over a movie? What ridiculousness is this? They are just fictional characters, it is just an act. Don't be foolish!
To you I say, One: have a heart, you cry over a dead puppy. Let me cry over someone who impacted me. Even in such a slow space of time.
Two: I am not stupid, I painfully know it is fictional and an act. I don't just feel bad for the characters and are upset with how much the suffered.
No, it isn't just that.
It is the fact and knowledge, that others, in the same position and under the same circumstances are constantly facing the same suffering and pain. That this story is not just locked up in this book or movie screen. A writer -from personal experience- does not just whip out something from their minds. A certain experience or event that they witnessed or heard of and impacted on them, made them create this story which thousands of people fan over.
Humanely, after reading this book and watching this movie that is no more than a mind opener and entertainer, I realize that we, naively, live in a bubble of our own. Just because not everyone has a camera to broadcast themselves and a talent with words to express themselves for he world to know does not mean their stories do not exist and their taunts are nothing.
The story this movie tells is a representative of other cases. Suicidal cases.
The topic everyone believes they have a say in it. The topic that everyone gives their opinion on it regardless of the case.
I know you think, there is no point in wasting a life.
I agree. To be honest, I haven't an idea on how I feel about blinded people committing suicide.
What I do believe, is that everyone must have a choice. A choice and say that determines their life. Whether it be for the good or the bad, it is their choice to decide. We have no right to prevent someone and stealing away their freedom of choice and choosing.
Everyone thought they had a say in what happened, (everyone as in the book and movie) but no one thought that this man, one who had jumped off cliffs and climbed freezing mountains, cannot live a life of suffering and being tied to bed, waiting for someone to get you up.
When dreaming those dreams, dreaming of that life he had, waking up was a curse, getting up was a curse and his life- as a quadriplegia was something that killed him.
I don't think anyone can claim they have the right to decide for him or change his mind, neither can anyone judge him nor despise him- put yourself in hi shoes for a moment, how would you live? Put yourself in his shoes and think of the life he lived and what he did, what would you do?
In a life like his, and a world as his own. I do not think anyone can speak.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"You are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning" - Will Traynor.
"You don't have to talk across me, Mother. My brain isn't paralyzed.
Yet." -Will Traynor.