Prompt Writing #1 (By: Amenah Shahin)
6:03 AM
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Because if that is not hilarious, I don't know what is. |
Just... think of the possibilities that could cause that face.
→ Could be having too much coffee at 3 a.m to complete your assignment due in a few hours.
→ When your parents suddenly barge into your room singing at the top of their voices.
→ Seeing someone beat a puppy. [Those monsters]
→ Getting a really low mark in an exam you thought you aced.
→ When you see something to darn cute.
→ When your books suddenly burst into flames [insert ugly and loud sobbing]
→ When you find out that your friends went to the mall without you.
→ When your favorite character dies in a book or movie. [#StoryOfMyLife]
→ When your teacher promised you no tests and betrays you with a five paged math equation exam.
We can go on and on.
Step one in trying to find inspiration is to think of anything and everything of your object of inspiration, gaze for ages into it and think of any bond related to it that you find yourself having a desire to write about.
Lets try writing about something from a dog's point of view.
About... Seeing your owner bring in a new pet!
[Garfield, anyone? Odie?]
It was a perfect day for a dog to be lazying around and doing practically nothing, and I was doing just that- lounging in Zac's living room and being a lazy puppy because I was too darn cute apparently- according to Jenna (Zac's wife) and so I did just that because it got me more followers on my Instagram and more treats from Jenna for being too cute.
That woman is going to kill me one day...
I am a pretty much athletic dog, I always play in the backyard, in the house and chase my shadow practically every day. I sometimes even wake up Zac in the middle of the night because I want to play with a ball.
He even took me to perform in a dog show.
Let me say that the judges were barking mad about me.
Needless to say I won the show with flying colours.
Ever since then I've had an Instagram account, and am I star dog- I've 3.5k followers now and I am a verified account.
As all dogs, I don't really care about it, since Jenna is the one managing it and keeps it running, I just continue to be me while Jenna becomes a paparazzi around me.
The flashes sometimes hurt my eyes...
But on this particular day, as I lounge around lazily and watch the TV, I heard the front door open announcing Zac's arrival as usual, his footsteps are familiar to me that I recognize him before I even see him.
I perked up as I sniff the air. And my ears straighten up in alarm and caution.
His smell fills the house but there is something with it- a new smell that mixes with my owner's sent like the bitter smell of betrayal.
I smell it and I do not like it.
The bitter smell of cheating.
Betrayal and Treachery.
A growl aroused in the back of my throat as I heard a new unfamiliar sound of footsteps along with his.
Or shall I say- paws.
I growled loudly as I got to my paws and began walking back to the front door hallway where Jenna was greeting Zac and I heard her exclaim something in love and pleasant surprise.
I poked my head in the hallway and soon I crumbled to the floor in utmost of shock.
Because right there, in Zac's arms is a stinking, filthy, ratchet looking, absolutely hideous hairy creature.
My eyes widened in shock and my ears flattened to my head.
What kind of dirty and filthy treachery is this?
Of all stinking and lazy creatures he chose a bloody cat! A CAT!
It fixed its devil like eyes upon me and it meowed- a treacherous noise that harmed my ears- evilly with a smirk.
I am here to replace you it seemed to say to me. Pack your things and say goodbye to your life.
The world seemed to close in on my heart as air no longer reached my lungs- no, this cannot be. I cannot be thrown out. I refuse to accept this. This-this- unfaithful and filthy act of betrayal. I refuse to accept this.
Soon my eyes hardened as I fixed them on the filthy hairy creature- this is war. And You shall not win this. You better watch out you stuck up hairy drenched creature. You will find yourself thrown out of this house in an hour.
I am not accepting this.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get inspired by something and analyse it carefully to create something you've never heard of before.