Debating- Your Guide To The Art of Speech (By: Amenah Shahin)

1:23 AM

To first define debating, is that it is a specific setting to have an argument using polite speech. It gives skills to make important decisions in life.

The communication processes that should be followed in basic;
- Making a case for your side.
-Critisising the other case of the other side.
-Defending your case.
-Seeing how both arguments lead to a decision and strive to achieve a solution together.

Debating is not about cutting down the other side and fighting one another, nor is it about embarrassing the other side. It is about creating a solution to a problem present, or an answer to a question unanswered.

We must have heard the phrase; 'it is debatable' before. It means that two cases can be created based on this point where both have numerous points worth consideration.

Debating is about having this neat and organized case- your words are ready and your reasons are packed safely. It is about laying out your arguments neatly and presentably.

But, why do we debate? Why should we?
- It is proven that it improves your academic performance.
- It makes students care about what they are learning. What the material they are taking matters.
- It increases critical thinking.
- It solves thousands of problems.
- It increases one's self confidence and self esteem considerably. Because when you know that what you say matters and has an impact, you think more of yourself and you have an opinion that matters.
- It, generally, creates hope for the future.

Sounds interesting, right? Let's see next what debate is made of.

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