Debate Speeches- Opposition Team (By: Amenah Shahin)

5:26 AM

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So we've got the other part of the duo; the Opposition team. Now their role is pretty much to disagree with the motion because they are against it.

The opposition team consists also of four speeches;

1- The First Speech- made by The First Speaker: now this person comes along and refutes what the first speaker of the proposition team said and presents two arguments along with (if necessary), redefining the motion. Had the first speaker of the prop team defined it completely wrong, then they'll have to redefine it.

Example; The Motion says that the sky is red. (although this is never really a motion to be debated about but let us go with it), then the first speaker of the proposition team says that they agree with this motion and that it means the sky is blue. What the first speaker of the opposition team should so when it is their turn to speak, is say that 'the speaker has defined the motion incorrectly and that the motion says clearly that the sky is red' this way they have redefined the motion and have gained extra points to their case.

2- The Second Speech- made by The Second Speaker: this persons job comes after the second speaker from the proposition team. They critisise their arguments presented by the second speaker, defend their arguments, and present two new arguments.

3- The Third Speech- made by The Third Speaker: this person brings the reputation of speeches as in repeating his team's arguments and defend them, then brings the proposition team's arguments and refutes them. They come after the third speaker from the proposition team.

4- The Fourth Speech (Reply Speech)- made by The Fourth Speaker: This person comes after the third speaker from the opposition team. Before the Reply speaker from the proposition team and after the third speaker from the opposition team. They compare the two worlds together, as in repeating the proposition team's arguments and their team's arguments and shows why their world is better and why they should win the case.

And that is what the two teams consist of. Four speeches to each team with the necessary elements that should be present in the speech.

**It is crucial to notice that no questions from either team is allowed in the 1st speech and the Reply Speech of both teams. 

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