Split- Amenah Shahin

10:25 AM

"The broken are the more evolved"

We often insult each other with having multiple personalities around people and being 'fake', but what if we told you it is an actual disorder? 

Dissociative Identity Disorder or as it is previously known; Multiple Identity Disorder is is a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately show in a person's behavior, accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. 

You think having two personalities is tough. 

Kevin suffers from 23 different personalities all have aroused in a specific time in his life. Yes, twenty three personalities living in one single body. Constantly fighting and struggling for control over Kevin's body. 

I mean, sheesh, it sure is a hard time for him there... I won't like to be in his shoes to be frank..

But a certain personality, Dennis, keeps them all in check and cares for the twenty three personalities. 

Not to give anything away, but that movie sure does sound awesome just from that bit.  

Of course, you can't have a horror thriller without kidnapping involved. Or in this case, teenage-napping. 

Three girls, both having been to a birthday party of one of the trio, decide to accept a lift from the birthday girl's dad. However, soon the father was knocked out and the girls found themselves captive by a bald, OCD looking man. 

The story is so intriguing, I'd call it a Black Hole- constantly drawing you in the series of events that are -not exactly twisted- but slightly confusing and mysterious. What with a large grown man leaving the room for a few minutes and coming back as a fashionable woman then re-entering the room as a nine year old boy you just can't take him very serious. 

It is nice to not know when he changes characters suddenly because that is what keeps you on edge. 

Constantly speaking of 'him' and 'the beast', letting them slip as a nine year old and occasionally dropping the bomb while visiting a doctor, you find yourself fearing the upcoming series of events. 

Personally I am not one for horror movies, nor thrillers. To be frank I am not one for movies much- seeing as fantasy is basically my world and, heh, we all saw what they did to those movies. But surprisingly, I found myself immersed deeply in the plot and constantly spotting out special touches and effects of hidden gems of life and the universe- something that would serve as somewhat a source of inspiration to those who seek it, be it writer, director, reader, philosopher or any kind of creator. 

The casts performance was amazingly wonderful, each actor/actress were astoundingly good in their performance. But the one who I think stole the show with their acting was, not surprisingly, James McAvoy who I was astounded by the fact that not several Oscars and awards were shoved down his throat for such an amazing performance. But who knows what the judges decide on- I mean Leonardo only won one very recently and he is Leonardo Di Capreo.

Me and my friends agreed that James deserved Oscars to rain down on him like a heavy downpour. But that's our opinion. I've rated him a straight 5/5 which I know is debatable but I found no faults in the actor's performance. 

Anya Taylor-Joy's performance was certainly not too shabby herself as the girl was most mysterious and successful in her performance. Excellent as playing the role of the quiet girl with the most intriguing back story. I'd rate her a solid 4/5.

The director, M. Night Shyamalan, seemed to regain his touch with his new project as I'd give his filming a precious 4/5. 

Overall I believe the movie gets a 94.5%

-Amenah Shahin 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Unfortunately, I watched the movie. I say unfortunately because I am not into horror movies in the least! I get scared to death. I didn't know it contained any horror sense and I watched it alone. It didn't actually scared me as much as it made me feel irritated, nervous and insecure that it was the first time in my entire life I leave the ending open for me and cut it off before Knowing what happens next. It teased me severly because it is full of reality as much as it is full of fiction. I refused to accept that their is so much lack of awareness and so much abuse in the world we live in. Based on my previous info, this kind of schizophrenia is not common nor noticed clearly on patients (I may be wrong though). However, the movie is not about that in the first place. I believe it used this kind of mental disorder to show that whom we consider weak people can do much more than we think! So why not boasting and celebrating their abilities instead of turning them into beasts at the end of the day? Another issue is abuse in general. It is a disaster that grows old with the person it hits. I seriously believe that most of the evil people, criminals, bad parents or spouses have suffered as children. We should be aware about what physical and verbal violence and abuse can give rise to and prevent it before it makes the person suffer as an adult as well. The last issue that Caught my attention is how much our will can change and accomplish. With the 23 personalities being physically different although they live in the same body, it is astonishing what a person can be if he believes in it completely and wholeheartedly. It is actually a nice way to put forward such a brilliant idea.


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